The UN Global Compact is the controller platform for the advancement, implementation, and disclosure of authoritative and feasible corporate policies and practices. It seeks to order business practices and scenarios everywhere with ten globally accepted theorems in the areas of Environment, Human Rights and Anti-Corruption.
The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest un-prescribed corporate sustainability leadership.
The UN Global Compact aims to develop two complementary targets:
• Ten principles in the business activities have to be widespread all around the world
• Assemble the actions with the groundwork of broader UN destination including the Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
Business, the primary driver of Globalization can help assure that the markets, commerce, economy, and finance develop in the way that profits the economies and societies. The UN Global Compact is not a governing instrument but rather an autonomous initiative that depends on social accountability and a disclosure to correlate regulation and to provide a space for inventions and corporate action. The UN Global Compact seems to capture the best practices of the UN, such as moral administrative and gathering power with the private sector’s resources and capacities of other key collaborators.
The practical benefits that are achieved by participating in the UN Global Compact are:
• Sharing the best emerging practices to develop the practical results and schemes to common challenges
• Developing sustainability solutions in association with the range of contributors including Government, Labor, and Non-Business Consultants
• Amassing the United Nations Knowledge of and intimacy with sustainability and advancement issues
To Participate in the UN Global Compact:
• The letter is signed by the chief executive and sent to the United Nations Secretary-General for showing their support towards UN Global Compact and its criteria
• Terminate the online enrollment form on the UN Global Compact website and uploads the digital replica of a letter of commitment
The ten principles of the UN Global Compact are:
Principle 1: The proclaimed human rights should be respected and supported by the businesses
Principle 2: Make sure that they are not strategic in human rights injustice
Principle 3: Efficient Realization of the right to collective bargaining
Principle 4: Elimination of all sorts of forced labors
Principle 5: Efficient abolishment of child labor
Principle 6: Ejection of inequality in respect of occupation
Principle 7: Business should support a discreet approach to environmental challenges
Principle 8: Stipulate leadership to encourage greater environmental responsibility
Principle 9: Embolden the advancement and dissipation of environmentally friendly technologies
Principle 10: Business should work against corruption, extortion and bribery forms
The UN Global Compact asks companies to support a set of midst values in the areas of Human Authority, Labor Criterion, Surroundings and Anti-Corruption